Thursday, January 18, 2018

Another Treasures Found!

Oh, I have to tell you how happy I am,
when I found these two treasures in the corners of my house
Yes, just like what I’ve said before, they are treasures
Finding treasures like this give me thrills way more than simply buying new pieces

I always love challenges in order to have a new look
Like, going through your old forgotten clothes
and finding out that you could still actually work some things out!
And you’ll even more proud when it actually look good
I do that quite often, sometimes people wouldn’t even realize that it’s an old piece
And I love doing that, maybe I should consider that as a hobby, hehe just kidding

Anyway, those treasures are my mama’s old shoes and bag
Want to know how old they are??
I’m telling you anyway! Hehe
The shoes are over 17 years old and the bag is....
 *drum rolls* more than 30 years old!!
Wow, and this is only the beginning of my precious time with them
Hopefully, it will be another 30 years
if I take care of them good enough

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Missing Ornaments

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This Christmas has been felt like a rush to me
I didn't get the chance to go home until 2 nights before Christmas eve
My house also had been having repairs here and there
Therefore we didn't have any Christmas tree or other decoration
until two days before Christmas
Well, that rarely happen to our house, or perhaps never before

When my family finally decorating the tree
It was right after we got home and it was already late night
I couldn't help it and fell asleep right away, that I missed 'the moment'
The next day I woke up the most early
I found the Christmas tree all decorated, but lacking of some things
Which are the red ball ornaments, which is my favourite ornament
My mama must have misplaced the box full of them,
that no one couldn't find it on the previous night

So, I spent the morning looking for that box in our storage room
The storage room was dark because the lamp wasn't working
and the boxes were stored in the highest level of the shelves
I got annoyed that I even climb to looked for it and scratch myself a little
but still couldn't find it, even until now
It got me furious for a while until I realized that it was not important at all
Yes, 'the moment' only comes once a year, but that is not the point of Christmas.
So I finally laugh it off, and tried to focus on
the real importance of Christmas, which is the birth of Jesus.
I even find that even without the red ball ornaments
the tree still look pretty with all the simplicity.

On the Christmas day my family eventually decided
to buy a whole new theme of the ornaments
No longer red, but more of white and a little bit of gold
I, then, became more sure that I was such a fool to get annoyed
just because of some missing ornaments

That doesn't mean that we'll just forget about the red ornaments
We'll use it again perhaps when they finally pop up again somewhere in our house
Why there's a picture of little me there?
I found it when I was searching around the storage room
When i was still upset I comforted myself
thinking at least i found something, haha

Friday, December 22, 2017


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Why am I looking super sad here?
Probably because, here, I was being dragged down by my insecurities.

Speaking of insecurities, a few days ago 
as I scroll through instagram's endless explore feed, 
I found a super pretty barbie-looking-internet-famous girl  
that, despite her look and makeup, turns out to be only 15 years old. 
Long story short she gained my curiosity 
and I ended up to a video of her talking,
without makeup and everything,
about how she is just a normal teenage girl that have insecurities. 
It was simple, some of her insecurities was just about her eyelashes, 
about how 'too' round her face is, etc. 
Negative side of most people would think 
"Duh, lots of people are insecure about what they gonna eat tomorrow." 
but hey, I could still learn something from this. 

I learned that despite how beautiful she is,
even without makeup, she still have insecurities, 
just like how me and all of you would probably feel. 
She's insecure about how her face is too round, 
while I sometimes am insecure about how my face is too angular. 
See, people are insecure about what they don't have, 
while they forget about what they already have. 
Again, the point is to be grateful. 
And it's not only about physical things, of course.
But I am not gonna lie, as imperfect humans, sometimes insecurities slip in. 
But, that's ok, as long you don't let it drag you down.. 
for too long..  at least.. Hehe

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Thanks, Problem!

In the middle of a hectic week
I randomly found a strip of comic on pinterest
It was very short, very simple, and actually was a comedy
The comic was about life, packaged in a laughable way
Yet, this one strip suddenly hit me

It was about a person in a moderate mood,
Suddenly,  problem, in a shape of a small round creature, came
Problem kept on fighting the person and he had to fight back
He was struggling to fight until it drained his mood
But right after he finished getting rid of the problem,
His mood turned full, it wasn't even full before problem came!
After that, he even thanked the problem!

Wow, I never thought of that before, yet, it is so true
I feel like I should keep looking at problems that way
Therefore, life would become happier!
What I hope is that I remember that comic strip when I'm facing problems
Since problems usually dragging me far from every good thoughts

Anyway, right after that hectic week, I feel super happy and relieved
That's why that strip of comic pops up again in my mind
And I know even right after this one problem went through,
another problem is already waiting and could arrive in any minute
But that's okay, after I go through this next problem
I'll be even happier then right now!

p.s. the comic is by Owlturd and you can find it in

Friday, October 6, 2017

What is beauty to you?

What is beauty to you?
Hm, there's physical beauty and inner beauty.
People keep talking about inner beauty.
So, I'll give you my thought about physical one.
I actually get this thought randomly on a commuter train.
Just because I didn't bring my earphone.

So, if you ask me if I'm beautiful, there are two answers.
First is the idealistic one. Yes.
I believe that every single person is beautiful.
Because God created them.
God wouldn't make a mistake. He never do wrong.

Second is the realistic one. It depends.
Some times when I look into the mirror,
I thought "Wow, you're so beautiful,
how come you're not famous?"
Some other times when I look into the mirror,
I thought, "Look at your face, why are you so ugly?"
and then a long "Ughhhhhhhhhh".

But when I think more about it,
the first one usually happens when
I'm on a good mood, when I'm happy.
Usually it would be easy to smile on the mirror.
While the second one usually happens when I'm tired,
when I'm on a bad mood, and keep on complaining.

Then, I finally get it!
I finally get the "smile is the best makeup" thing.
A thing that most people and I (used to) find super cliche.
I then realize that smile or happiness roots on gratefulness.
While stress and sadness roots on complaining.
We should be grateful, at least because we have
a complete face and body parts.
Even if it's not complete there are always things to be grateful for.
By being grateful about what we have, about what we are,
we'll love ourselves, and we'll be confident, happy.
We'll be beautiful.

Hmm, this writing doesn't really relate to the pictures, 
but I'm just going to be honest that I just simply don't know what to write. Hehe.
But wait, do they really can't be related?
They're pictures of me, this writing is about beauty, I'm beautiful.
Oh wait, they actually relate! HEHE

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Taking In The Good

What I like the most about being abroad is
to see another perspective of the world,
to see a different culture,
and by culture I'm not only saying about old things,
but also how the people living their life.

Some people think that time is so precious,
so they have to fill every second with work.
Some people think that time is so precious,
so they have to enjoy every second of it.

Some people smile to almost everyone that pass them by,
but only smiling when someone asks for help, not even stopping.
Some people rarely have smile on their face,
but the smile comes the second someone asks for help,
trying to help as best as they can even if language constrain them.

There's always good and bad in everything, 
but I'm trying to take in the good in everything.
But there's also good and bad in me,
but I'm trying to focus on the good in me.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Being 20

Look at this girl
How can this girl be 20?

Still playing with stuffed animals.

I always love stuffed animals
(even though I don't really know what to do with them 
except looking at their cuteness and hugging them).

And today I'm working out a picture starring me,
my cute little cousins Catherine and Stefani,
and seven of my stuffed animals
(some of them have names but I'm not gonna say it).

Hahahaha being 20 kinda freaked me out, being out of my teenage life.
I'm still thinking that I am just a little girl ready to play and only having fun.
Isn't being an adult means more responsibility? Does it mean no more fun?
I have to be more independent. Does it mean I'm going alone in this life?
What will my future be like? I have to decide it myself, since I have to be independent.
But I'm not the planning type, how can I even plan my future?
Ah, lots of things to worry about!

But, turns out there's really nothing to worry about. 
Yes, more responsibility, but that doesn't mean no fun, I'll do everything with joy.
Yes, I have to be independent, but that doesn't mean that I'm alone, 
I can always have support and help from my family and friends, 
but that doesn't mean I'm depending on them.
But, there's this one friend that I could definitely depend at all time.
I don't exactly know what my future will be like, 
but this friend that I'm talking about knows it best, he knows every bit of it.
I'm just going to ask for his guide to go trough it.
Yeah, he's a one special friend, and his name is Jesus. Super glad to have him!

Most of the people will be 20 someday.
And my turn happens to be this year.
Everything has it own time, that's what my dad told me, 
and I keep telling that to myself every time i'm worried,
worried about time that keep on rushing.
So, despite every worries, I'm thankful for another year that God has given to me. 
And I'm looking forward to fill it with good things.
Thing that makes God happy will definitely be a good thing, so I'm definitely going that way!

_     21 August 2017      _
a day older than 20

Check out my last birthday post here