Friday, October 6, 2017

What is beauty to you?

What is beauty to you?
Hm, there's physical beauty and inner beauty.
People keep talking about inner beauty.
So, I'll give you my thought about physical one.
I actually get this thought randomly on a commuter train.
Just because I didn't bring my earphone.

So, if you ask me if I'm beautiful, there are two answers.
First is the idealistic one. Yes.
I believe that every single person is beautiful.
Because God created them.
God wouldn't make a mistake. He never do wrong.

Second is the realistic one. It depends.
Some times when I look into the mirror,
I thought "Wow, you're so beautiful,
how come you're not famous?"
Some other times when I look into the mirror,
I thought, "Look at your face, why are you so ugly?"
and then a long "Ughhhhhhhhhh".

But when I think more about it,
the first one usually happens when
I'm on a good mood, when I'm happy.
Usually it would be easy to smile on the mirror.
While the second one usually happens when I'm tired,
when I'm on a bad mood, and keep on complaining.

Then, I finally get it!
I finally get the "smile is the best makeup" thing.
A thing that most people and I (used to) find super cliche.
I then realize that smile or happiness roots on gratefulness.
While stress and sadness roots on complaining.
We should be grateful, at least because we have
a complete face and body parts.
Even if it's not complete there are always things to be grateful for.
By being grateful about what we have, about what we are,
we'll love ourselves, and we'll be confident, happy.
We'll be beautiful.

Hmm, this writing doesn't really relate to the pictures, 
but I'm just going to be honest that I just simply don't know what to write. Hehe.
But wait, do they really can't be related?
They're pictures of me, this writing is about beauty, I'm beautiful.
Oh wait, they actually relate! HEHE

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