Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Taking In The Good

What I like the most about being abroad is
to see another perspective of the world,
to see a different culture,
and by culture I'm not only saying about old things,
but also how the people living their life.

Some people think that time is so precious,
so they have to fill every second with work.
Some people think that time is so precious,
so they have to enjoy every second of it.

Some people smile to almost everyone that pass them by,
but only smiling when someone asks for help, not even stopping.
Some people rarely have smile on their face,
but the smile comes the second someone asks for help,
trying to help as best as they can even if language constrain them.

There's always good and bad in everything, 
but I'm trying to take in the good in everything.
But there's also good and bad in me,
but I'm trying to focus on the good in me.

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