Monday, August 21, 2017

Being 20

Look at this girl
How can this girl be 20?

Still playing with stuffed animals.

I always love stuffed animals
(even though I don't really know what to do with them 
except looking at their cuteness and hugging them).

And today I'm working out a picture starring me,
my cute little cousins Catherine and Stefani,
and seven of my stuffed animals
(some of them have names but I'm not gonna say it).

Hahahaha being 20 kinda freaked me out, being out of my teenage life.
I'm still thinking that I am just a little girl ready to play and only having fun.
Isn't being an adult means more responsibility? Does it mean no more fun?
I have to be more independent. Does it mean I'm going alone in this life?
What will my future be like? I have to decide it myself, since I have to be independent.
But I'm not the planning type, how can I even plan my future?
Ah, lots of things to worry about!

But, turns out there's really nothing to worry about. 
Yes, more responsibility, but that doesn't mean no fun, I'll do everything with joy.
Yes, I have to be independent, but that doesn't mean that I'm alone, 
I can always have support and help from my family and friends, 
but that doesn't mean I'm depending on them.
But, there's this one friend that I could definitely depend at all time.
I don't exactly know what my future will be like, 
but this friend that I'm talking about knows it best, he knows every bit of it.
I'm just going to ask for his guide to go trough it.
Yeah, he's a one special friend, and his name is Jesus. Super glad to have him!

Most of the people will be 20 someday.
And my turn happens to be this year.
Everything has it own time, that's what my dad told me, 
and I keep telling that to myself every time i'm worried,
worried about time that keep on rushing.
So, despite every worries, I'm thankful for another year that God has given to me. 
And I'm looking forward to fill it with good things.
Thing that makes God happy will definitely be a good thing, so I'm definitely going that way!

_     21 August 2017      _
a day older than 20

Check out my last birthday post here

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