Friday, December 22, 2017


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Why am I looking super sad here?
Probably because, here, I was being dragged down by my insecurities.

Speaking of insecurities, a few days ago 
as I scroll through instagram's endless explore feed, 
I found a super pretty barbie-looking-internet-famous girl  
that, despite her look and makeup, turns out to be only 15 years old. 
Long story short she gained my curiosity 
and I ended up to a video of her talking,
without makeup and everything,
about how she is just a normal teenage girl that have insecurities. 
It was simple, some of her insecurities was just about her eyelashes, 
about how 'too' round her face is, etc. 
Negative side of most people would think 
"Duh, lots of people are insecure about what they gonna eat tomorrow." 
but hey, I could still learn something from this. 

I learned that despite how beautiful she is,
even without makeup, she still have insecurities, 
just like how me and all of you would probably feel. 
She's insecure about how her face is too round, 
while I sometimes am insecure about how my face is too angular. 
See, people are insecure about what they don't have, 
while they forget about what they already have. 
Again, the point is to be grateful. 
And it's not only about physical things, of course.
But I am not gonna lie, as imperfect humans, sometimes insecurities slip in. 
But, that's ok, as long you don't let it drag you down.. 
for too long..  at least.. Hehe

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